Corporate Affairs Report: Reputation Intelligence – Risk and opportunity

The phrase “reputation risk” has become entrenched in the media and is frequently ranked as the key risk facing businesses.

However, while the risk has long been acknowledged, many companies have been unsure how to tackle it, assigning it to the Corporate Affairs or Communications teams almost by default.

The increasing visibility of this risk is putting increasing pressure on these departments, but with the right knowledge and tools, it can provide a great opportunity for them to influence board decisions and strategy.

Our latest report examines how Corporate Affairs and Communications professionals can utilise “reputation intelligence” to monitor and effectively report on reputation risk.

The report answers the following questions

  • Identifying and tracking the differing reputations your company has among various stakeholders
  • Understanding and monitoring which channels your most important stakeholders use
  • Incorporating reputation in both the language and objectives of the business

Download the full report to understand how you can use reputation intelligence to make a difference in your company

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